Smile! We hear this phrase right before a camera or phone clicks to take our photo. If you’re not feeling confident about your teeth, you likely keep your mouth closed to avoid the camera’s unforgiving lens. Yellowing teeth are a sure sign of aging, as the outer layer of enamel gets worn away. This reveals the natural yellow color of the dentin below. Other factors such as staining foods and drinks, medications, inadequate dental hygiene, and tobacco use cause yellowing and stained teeth.

Ready to stop hiding your teeth and start showing off your smile? It’s time to look at cosmetic teeth whitening from a dental professional. If you’re searching for the best teeth whitening in Omaha, look no further than Legacy Dental. Our top dental team is here to answer any questions or concerns you have about cosmetic teeth whitening. The following are just a few of the most commonly asked questions about cosmetic teeth whitening:

What is the Teeth Whitening Procedure?

At Legacy Dental, the first step in attaining a whiter smile is receiving a professional cleaning by one of our caring Dental Hygienists. If you still desire additional whitening after a thorough cleaning, our team offers two additional levels of teeth whitening to choose from:

Does Teeth Whitening Damage Your Teeth?

The answer is no! Teeth whitening gel does not damage the enamel of your teeth, which is considered one of the hardest tissues in the body. Although enamel is one of the hardest tissues in the body, it is porous and can absorb stains.  Whitening removes stains from within the enamel tubules without damaging the tooth itself.

Will My Teeth Be Sensitive After Whitening?

Tooth sensitivity is normal after your whitening session. Avoid extremely hot or cold foods, brushing your teeth too aggressively, and sugar-filled foods. If your sensitivity persists, contact your dentist.

Does Teeth Whitening Work On Caps and Veneers?

Unfortunately, no. Teeth whitening is only effective on real teeth. Porcelain veneers, fillings, dentures, crowns, or implants will not show any whitening changes.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

How long the effects of whitening last depends on a number of factors, including diet, home oral hygiene practices and frequency of professional cleanings. To help maintain your results for as long as possible we provide custom trays with whitening gel refills for touch ups at home.

Am I a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Before you begin the process of teeth whitening, have a frank discussion with your dentist about your oral health history. Children, those with extremely sensitive teeth, or people who have had extensive dental work done may not be the best candidates for teeth whitening.

Legacy Dental, who offers the best teeth whitening in Omaha, looks forward to answering any questions you have about cosmetic teeth whitening. Contact our expert team today to learn how you can highlight, instead of hiding, your dazzling smile!

Come see how our attention to detail and focus on patient comfort makes us different. At Legacy Dental we strive to exceed expectations and improve the lives of our patients.